Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Estate Planning is more than just tax avoidance

By Jennifer Ng

Many wealthy people spend their time trying to reduce the estate taxes they owe. Currently, the federal estate tax is imposed on residents who have a taxable estate of more than $2 million. The final estate tax can reach as high as 45 percent. NY Times states, “One simulation from J.P. Morgan Private Bank showed the tax bill on a $123 million estate, even with a basic level of planning, as $51.5 million.” Therefore, estate planning can be very important. But even still with all the planning, there are instances of errors. These mistakes can be a tremendous loss for owners. JP Morgan therefore created a program called Atlas that breaks down a person’s assets and displays it with pie graphs and flow charts. From this, people can detect errors such as designating assets to the wrong heirs and a liquidity deficit. It would be a good idea to reevaluate your estate plans if your estate taxes fall under this category.

Sources: planning/31wealth.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1

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